Frankly Paws
"Frankly Paws" project? What's that?
You know that feeling you get when you help out an elderly neighbor with shoveling their driveway after a storm? Or what about helping that mom at the grocery store with her hands full, getting her cart to her car? Doesn't it feel incredible? Giving back means different things to different people. To some, it is giving time, resources, and donations to their communities. To others, it is a sense of appreciation for everything others did for them and a desire to do the same for someone else.
This little project of mine was born out of a desire to give back to my community, and what could I give back if not my art, my skills or my time?
Every time I get a request for a pet portrait tattoo - I get to read these incredible stories of what this dog or cat meant or mean for you, how incredible, supportive and loving they were/are. During our tattoo sessions I get to hear so many wonderful stories, and see the tears of joy, when you look at your completed tattoo for the first time. The idea that from now on - you will get to glance at your loved one at any time during the day, smile, and think about them - fills my heart with pure joy, inspires me to create more, share more. And while I understand that not everyone can afford to get a pet portrait tattoo done by me - I still would love to make a difference. With that being said - I finally figured out that the best way to give back to the community would be by sharing my tattoo art with those who might really benefit from that.
And so, please share this project with those you know, who may have lost their service dog, their emotional support pet, or just a beloved pet, and would love to get their little portrait tattooed on them, but can't quite afford it at this moment. It would mean the world to me if I could help and brighten someone's day with my craft.
Please, do not take advantage of this project just to get an extra discount, this project is meant for those who aren't in a position to afford it due to the financial restrictions, disabilities and etc.
To qualify for this project please submit your request, share your story, the meaning of the tattoo and an attachment of the photo reference of the pet you wish to get tattooed below. Please include the name of the project in your description ("Frankly Paws"). After reviewing the requests you will be put on a waitlist and contacted once it is your turn ;)
Current project is available only at the Los Angeles based studio,
Thank you for your attention and see you soon!
Submit a request to participate in Frankly Paws project here
Please note that participation in this project is available only at the Los Angeles based studio.